Monday, December 31, 2007


A co-worker is writing a story on this massage chair from Sharper Image, the store, Sharper Image. It's part of a larger story about Valentine gifts or some such. Anyway, the company sends her press materials for the Human Touch Stretching Robotic Massage Recliner, which among many of its features includes "the deepest penetrating cervical massage ever offered in any massage chair." I added the italics. That would be one hell of a chair, no? Anyway, my co-worker, smarty that she is, figures this can't really be what they meant to say, and e-mails the media relations lady, who immediatley e-mails back with:

"Clavicle!! It should say clavicle!!!"

It's still up on the Web site.

UPDATE: Apparently, there is a cervical vertebrae in the neck that would be wonderfully served by this chair.

Who knew?

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