Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Effective policing

I ran into police chief Jerry Dyer yesterday. It was no big deal, really. The Hispanic Commission (or is it coalition?), which is housed below my apartment, was having an open house with balloons and food and whatnot and some local dignitaries gave speaches. The Commission (or is it coalition?) offers DUI classes, and Dyer hates drunk drivers, so...

So, the chief is hanging out toward the back, by himself, in his uniform, looking totally professional no doubt, and as I'm walking past he hits me with this look like he knows all the shit I've ever talked about the police. Like he knows I'm up to some shit, and he's ready for it. And it's freaky, because I'm not up to any shit, but how he looks at me, I start thinking maybe I am up to some shit and I should stop it.

Now, that's effective policing.

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