Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More fun on the road

Riding down Foutain Way. Two kids on BMXs are trolling up and down the street, being kids. I ride by. About a block down I hear one the kids behind me peddling his ass off. We're racing, I guess.

"I'll beat you to the corner."

And he huffs some and peddles faster and beats me to the stop sign, which he coasts through with his hands in the air like a true racer.

"How fast do you ride?" he asks.

We're having a conversation now. Cool.

I don't know. Fast.

"My cousin works at Stevens and he has a bike like that and he put a spedometer on it."

Oh yeah?

"He goes 40,000 ... I mean 40. 45."

Miles and hour?


That's fast. I don't go that fast.

"He peddles as fast as me, but he can go faster because he's got a gear bike."

Then his friend joins the ride and we're all racing. They're peddling, peddling and breathing hard and then they coast for a while, then peddling hard again. We come up on Palm and I get ready to turn and they start lagging behind.

OK, guys, be safe.

"You too."

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