Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Slip slidin' away

Paul Simon's 'Slip Sliding Away,' is playing in my head just now. Well, it's my internal-monologued version of the song, I guess.

'You know the nearer your destination, the more you're slip sliding away.'


Beer Pong is some crazy shit, no joke. It's more than a frat-boy drinking game, you know. Well, not much more. But the world series (who knew?) is worth $50,000 for the winners. It's also harder than you would think. I played a few round yesterday (sans the beer) and I looked like a fool.


Had some nice dreams last night that I don't quite remember, which are sometimes my favorite. I like the vaugery of it (lookit me using words that might not be words), waking up with a feeling of recollection. That's how I would describe it anyway.


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