Thursday, February 21, 2008

Home is where your heart is. So what if I'm a heartless bastard?

So, it must be house buying season, because three sets of people I know (two couples and a dude) have bought houses (OK, one was a condo) in the past month. I suppose it's shouldn't be shocking. I'm an old man, yes, and this is what people my age do. They start nesting. Settling down. Also, this is like, an amazing time to buy because there are literally (no, not literally, silly) a shit ton of houses on the market.

The thing is: I feel this odd pull to maybe start looking for a house myself. Even though the better part of my knows I don't need a house. I'm an apartment person. I like small spaces. In fact, there are times when I think the 900 or whatever feet I share with my roommate is too much. What the hell would I do with three bedrooms? Two bedrooms even? And a front yard? That's why I have friends with houses.

You could argue that I'm throwing my money away on rent each month, when I could be building my finacial future with the added bonus of one day owning a piece of property. After all, that is the American dream, right? 401 K and a house?

There's no point to all this, really. I'm just saying.

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