Saturday, November 17, 2007

Busy body

I realized this week that I have a lot of shit going on. Like, a lot.
Here's the rundown.

Aikdio: Via Central Valley Aikido. That's three times a week.
Bowling: Via Team Fugly, once a week (Tuesdays). That's down from twice a week last year.
Art: Via The Rogue Festival, where I am co-writing and producing the play, "Shakespear's an Idiot."
Bettering the world: (or my corner of it anyway). Via Creative Fresno. I'm a board member and on the committee that's planning a music festival for October '08.
Music: Via It'll Grow Back (even without a drummer), WeWalkandDrive (which is just me mostly) and Big Balls (eventhough we don't play often).
Running: Via The Relay, a twelve-person 198 mile relay race from Calistoga to Santa Cruz. I get to run across the Golden Gate bridge in the moonlight (well, if there is moonlight that night).

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