Monday, February 4, 2008

Twittering along ... and a bathroom story.

So, I tweet (I'm too lazy to put in a link. It's OK, not really. But Fresno Famous tweets (tweet) and that's me by extension, I suppose. Anyway, I'm looking at Kristenn, who is one of 13 FF followers (it's like a cult). She's got some brilliant updates, such as: Will is kissing dirty socks to prove a point... :( I Figure Will is the boyfriend. Not that it matters.


In other news: Bathrooms are scary. It's true. Think about it. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I think it's something to do with running water and mirrors. And bad lighting. The light is always terrible.

Case in point: The men's room here at work, which has a faucet that drips and a flouresent light that flickers. Total slasher film stuff. I'm peeing this morning and the place is silent execept for my pee and the d r i p, d r i p, d r i p of the faucet and the buzzing of the light and zip up and wash up and walk out into a long, empty hallway. It's a wonder people don't go crazy around this place.

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